After the global economic crisis in 2018, AFRIDAC began to look more inward to the UK and worked more in the areas of national advocacy on issues that disproportionately affected the African migrants and diaspora communities. AFRIDAC worked more closely with community members by empowering them through training, capacity building and policy engagement.
A tipping point for the Black community in the UK was the effect of Covid-19 pandemic. It disproportionately affected the Black community with high rate of infection, deaths and exposure to the virus as front-line workers. Further effects on the community included rising food insecurity, unemployment, restricted access to culturally competent services, homelessness, rise in domestic violence cases, digital divide, unsupported undocumented migrants, prolonged illness, mental health problems, and grief. In our quest to get evidence-based information we commissioned research to investigate the ‘Mortality rate because of Covid-19 for individuals of African and Caribbean background who are key workers’.